Wednesday, January 14, 2009

34-year-old actress been

Crow plans to continue helping the cause by making donations and creating specific products to benefit research and education. The 34-year-old actress - who has been in the spotlight since getting her first break on Spanish TV aged 16 - says she has learned to cope with media attention as she has got older, but finds it tiresome most of the time. There are certain people who are very themselves-ish. MORE screaming, bitching and back-biting and thats before I even turn the telly on Tyra Bank and her dayglo-dressed simpering flunkies dangle a sliver of iceberg lettuce in front of another cavalcade of stick-thin clothes horses while whispering sweet promises of their picture on the cover of a magazine in their ears. Rachel Weisz could not find the time to read the script for the new film in the Mummy franchise, she has revealed. He was referring to the caped crusader, a tech geek nonpareil with his Batmobile and gadget filled Batbelt.

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